- 2017/2/16-17
- Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2017
- 2016/12/22
- Our Establishment Meeting
- 2016/11/30
- Our First Workshop
Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2017
We participated in Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2017 at Todoroki Arena on February 16-17. About 300 people visited our booth in two days. We sincerely a ppreciate all the people who visited us, especially those from far away. We will put your precious comments into our practice.
Our Establishment Meeting
We held our establishment meeting of the IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling at Tokyo International Forum on 22 December 2016. We sincerely appreciate all the participants. Meeting Agenda ●Opening speech Dr. Minoru Fujii (Chairperson of IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling) ●Guest speeches Ministry of Environment Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ●Invited speech Title: Current situation and future prospect of urban mine development Speaker: Dr. Tatsuya Oki (Principal Research Manager, Environmental Management Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology) ●Keynote speech Title: New IoT business models that will be released soon Speaker: Mr. Koichi Iwamoto (Senior Fellow, Research institute of Economy, Trade and Industry) ●Case study presentation by the member institutions
- IoT approach by Daiei Kankyo Co., Ltd.
- IoT approach by Japan Soil Treatment Association
- IoT approach by NEC Corporation
●Matters requiring board approval ●Greeting from our establishers
- Dr. Minoru Fujii (Senior Researcher, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
- Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Onoda (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Waseda University)
- Prof. Seiji Hashimoto (Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
- Prof. Toru Matsumoto (Graduate Programs in Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu)
- Assoc. Prof. Masashi Yamamoto (Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama)
●Closing speech Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Onoda (Vice-chairman of IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling)
Our First Workshop
We held our first workshop of the IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling in Tokyo on 30 November, 2016. 70 members participated in the workshop, essentia lly making it a kickoff meeting, because all member institutions gathered together.
At its opening, the guests from the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry gave a speech. At his keynote speech, Mr. Teruo Yoshi no, the director representative of OMG Japan Branch, gave a talk titled 'World Trends and Challenges in Japan about Industrial Internet & IoT'. After the keynot e, the participants were divided into four groups and discussed productively. Four committee members of the IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling worked as facilitators of each group.
At its closing, a representative of the National Federation of Industrial Waste Management gave a speech. The first workshop finished a big success. We sincerel y appreciate all the participants and their efforts.
In the fourth industrial revolution era, facility investments that enhance value-added services and business models that promote innovations have been required in the waste manageme nt and recycling industry. A low birthrate and the aging population lead to a shortage of labor in industries. As a result, operational efficiency is considered to be essential.
On the other hand, new technologies such as IoT (Internet of things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) have been developing rapidly and widely. These technologies have been assisting operation efficiency and speed-up, and labor-saving in the manufacturing and distribution industry.
One of the most important challenges, establishing a recycling-based society is to reform and improve the comprehensive system in the venous industry by using these technologies. Be ing considered the challenge, IoT installation in the venous industry will become essential in the near feature. It is important to develop a framework that enhances the relationship b etween the public and private sectors, and to create concrete business plans, together with establishing a clear vision of the future industry.
Based on the background, the IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling was established first in Japan in order to discuss and promote IoT installation in the waste management an d recycling industry, based on industry-academia-government collaboration.
The purpose of the establishment is to reduce CO2 emissions at waste management and recycling by using IoT installations, to create an eco-friendly city, and to upgrade the logistic s and create new businesses in the venous industry. In order to achieve the purpose, the IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling performs the following acts:
- To propose policies to the government and other organizations that support the innovations of waste management and recycling.
- To embody the establishment of facilities or logistics to enhance low-carbon emissions and its business models, such as use of IoT and AI.
- To establish a new business incubation based on industry-academia- government collaboration.
The areas of venous industry where IoT can be installed are the following:
● Improvement of logistical efficiency
● Automation of waste sorting, disassembling, and recycling.
● Upgrading disposal system such as incineration plants
Organization System
*The current groups may be changed, depending on new project plans.
Senior Researcher Minoru Fujii
Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Associate Professor Hiroshi Onoda
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Waseda University
Committee members
Professor Seiji Hashimoto
Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Professor Toru Matsumoto
Graduate Programs in Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu
Associate Professor Masashi Yamamoto
Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama
The secretariat is placed at the Resource Circulation Network, General Incorporated Association.
Member Institutions
65 institutions have already joined until 22 January, 2025.
Sector | Institution Name | Sector | Institution Name |
Private |
Private |
Public |
Observer |
IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling has made the following plans. The status of the current projects will be shared among the member institutions.
(Updated on 4 October, 2016)
August: Establishment
December: First yearly general meeting
January-February: Grand design creation and project plan selection
March: Government proposals and 2018 budget compilation plan
April-June: Discussion of implication and formation regarding 2018 project plans
July-November: Project activities (Planned workshops twice)
December: Yearly general meeting
January-February: Grand design revision and project preparation (e.g. grant application submission)
March: Government proposals and 2019 budget compilation plan
April-: Start of each project (including demonstration project and subsidized project)
IoT Use in Waste Management and Recycling Area
Wide-spreading of IoT use in the venous industry is expected to be solved the problems in the waste management and recycling area, including operation efficiency and speed-up, and l abor-saving of the waste management.
*Click the image to enlarge.
*Click here to download the image.[PDF format]
If you wish to become a member, please send a designated application form to the address below.
You can download the form below.
Annual membership fee for 100,000 yen will be required. A person who works at a local government or a public research institute will be exempted from the fee.
[Membership Application Form]
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IoT Council of Waste Management and Recycling
Inside Resource Circulation Network, General Incorporated Association
1-1-1 Hirano, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka, 805-0062 Japan
If you have any inquiries, please contact us through the secretariat.
Inside Resource Circulation Network, General Incorporated Association
1-1-1 Hirano, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka, 805-0062 Japan